Sunday, August 22, 2010
Drone psalm
...even though we march
through the valley of the shadow of death,
we will fear no evil, for you art with us, DRONE;
your machine guns and your missiles, they comfort us.....
* * *
""""...The Afghan war, launched covertly three decades ago, will be with us for at least two more years, and maybe several more , the need for protraction buttressed by such shock tactics as the picture of an Afghan woman with her nose cut off by the Taliban, featured on the cover of Time recently. It was certainly a horrible piece of barbarism, inflicted because the woman had breached the Talibans’ concept of moral propriety. The message was that with premature US withdrawal a lot more women’s noses will be sliced off, or women lashed and then shot for imputed “adultery” years after their husbands had died. I did feel all the same that balance should have required Time also to feature bits of human flesh strewn around after a Predator missile had landed on yet another Afghan wedding party, an inevitable feature of what happens so long as the US stays.""""
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War is hell, J.
You sound more like a typical bleeding-heart liberal with each post, ese. And mocking scripture--as it says in Proverbs, "the fool says in his heart there is no God."
Drones minimize casualties. And what about the twisted scum who would cut the noses off of teenage girls??--they deserve to be mowed down by our drones anyway. Something bleeding hearts like Alex Cockburn--or you-- don't understand.
What would Jeezuss or Old testament patriarchs (...assuming they existed for the sake of argument) say about an imperial military force, far more powerful and deadly than any Caesar's, Perezoso?? Whose side is Jeezuss on, vato? Jeezuss AKA Kid Galilee wasn't ridin' with...Caesar. Kid Galilee...Issa.. defended the poor, the marginalized, the sick, the defenseless, regardless of their religion or race. At least, supposedly.
The pic on the cover of Time was an outrage. The editors who allowed it should be in prison, locked the F. down, as should the shutterbug. The girl deserves all our sympathy and love (and there are reportedly some surgeons in Ellay working on a replacement nose and ears). The pic, however, did nothing but alarm the hicks and whip-up war fever to a higher degree. It was probably ordered by Newt Gingrich or AIPAC or the GOP ghouls-in- command. Completely focked up.
What are we fighting for in Afghanistan. I think most people haven't a clue.
I don't know.
Or, paraphrasing Orwell, "We've always been at war with Oceania."
That said, I sort of agree with Perezoso insofar that the perpetrators (allegedly Taliban) who mutilated the girl should be held accountable--stand trial, and life imprisonment, at least. But Time, Inc. posting the pic was wrong, dead wrong (and probably will result in more fighting if not terrorism)
through the valley of the shadow of death,
we will fear no evil, for you art with us, DRONEs;
your machine guns and your missiles, they comfort us.....
The Afghan war, launched covertly hundred and fifty years ago, will be with usA for at least two decades more
shock tactics as the picture of an Afghan woman with her nose cut off by the Taliban, by her family, featured on the cover of Time recently.
It was certainly a piece of war barbarism, inflicted because in times of war concept of moral does not exist.
an inevitable feature of what happens so long as the US stays or not....burning with acid and cutting noses and faces is normal in several parts of INdia And Pakisthan
killings in the name of honor are
normal until de first quarter of the XX century in America und Europe so?
er blevet gemt og vil blive synlig efter blog-ejerens
god kendelse
Guten morgen nat------
Ich kenne ein bitchin' Deutsch.. But prefer that commenters stick to anglo. or spangloish
Yes you are correct --when Empire attacks, those being attacked will react in all sorts of horrible ways. As Cockburn said perhaps Time should feature a few pics of people blown to bits by the US Military next to the token "muslim atrocity" photos. There's like a ...corpse-image control in effect.
Youll see photos of caskets of US soldiers at times in a few mags or don't see 1000s of afghan or iraqi civilian corpses.
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