RIO LINDA--Daniels, it should be recalled, was a vocal supporter of Prop. 8. There appears to an inversely proportional relation with these cases: the louder a religious moralist rants against same-sex marriages, the more likely it is he'll turn out to be ...a Chester.
""First Baptist Church of Rio Linda senior pastor Tom Daniels was arrested December 9th. According to records at the Sacramento County Jail, he is facing one charge of lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age, and another charge for engaging in multiple sexual assaults of a child.""
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
in Xtian chester news....
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typical huh?
Yeah and I suspect many CA newspapers/media sort of squelched the story.
Actually Im no moralist-crimefighter type but sex charges involving clergymen of all types should be known. However boring pointing out hypocrisy may be, someone's got to do it.
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