Leviathan, Inc. (wtih DiDi Feinstone's mensch Richie Blum at the controls)
"""People commonly travel the world over to see rivers and mountains, new stars, garish birds, freak fish, grotesque breeds of human; they fall into an animal stupor that gapes at existence and they think they have seen something.""
Man flies with jet-powered wings
There you go, Nurse Starcraft
When, in reality, the freakishness AND the wonder resides inside us all.
SK wants to suggest, I believe, that an endless search for novelty and adventure is a type of despair (or indeed, sin)--sort of the romantic's fallacy.
You see this with advertisements as well: the youthful partier consumers, sexy 'n hip, driving off into some impressive alpine scene in their Toyota 4-runner, with bank of America muzak playing on the i-pod, brews in icebox, etc.
SK was, decades before a Noam Chomsky arrived (and without praising Marxism), describing an "anomalous" human consciousness: we are not merely input-output devices as some behaviorists ...and neo-Darwinists.... all too easily insist.....One can respect SK's insights--and anti-reductionism--- without necessarily sharing his religious viewpoints (which are rather unique anyway)
Despair, yes, though, the origins of it are cowardice and self-deception (his theory of human corruption).
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