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I don't know who the rest of the quartet is (are?) Amazing talent - all of them.
Allen was a freaquing genius - corny humor aside, he wrote over 10,000 songs and 50 books. I don't know when he ever slept.
I have grown to appreciate Steve Allen's humor, though it's a bit corny. At least, Allen represented for the freaks---like Kerouac. Or Getz (ie, authentic ones, not just celebrities or rock stars)
The names of the other musicians are somewhere on the y-t, I believe.
Getz plays a few nice riffs, eh. He has such a melodic sense, like Charlie Parker a bit--. I listen to like 'Trane, and usually enjoy it. but Trane usually just does virtuoso scales, arpeggios, etc. Dazzling at times, but he's not such a great melodic player.
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