Wit (warning: non-PC, and guaran-teeeeeeeed to irritate dyslexic scientologists from Texas)
"""Fascists do bad things just to be bad. “I’m the baddest dude in Baghdad,” Saddam Hussein was saying,“the baddest cat in the Middle East. I’m way bad.” This was way stupid. But fascists are stupid. Consider Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. He didn’t have any. How stupid does that make Saddam? All he had to do was say to UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix, “Look where you want. Look beneath the couch cushions. Look under my bed. Look in the special spider hole I’m keeping for emergencies.” And Saddam Hussein could have gone on dictatoring away until Donald Rumsfeld is elected head of the World Council of Churches.
Instead, we blew the place to bits. And a mess was left behind. But it’s a mess without a military to fight aggressive wars; a mess without the facilities to develop dangerous weapons; a mess that cannot systematically kill, torture, and oppress millions of its citizens. It’s a mess with a message— don’t mess with us.""
(PJ O'Rourke). Anyone who partied with HS Thompson on occasion, and hates communists can't be all bad.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
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1 comment:
""""Gone are the days of the successful, blustery little military dictator""""
Heh heh. Another Leetle belch from Hypocritonius (about like rejected lyrics to some bad Mancini cut). You mean like.....RA Heinlein, advocate of nuclear war, hyper-militarist, pal of Reaganites, anti-pacifist? And of course military dictators of Russia and China: they are jus' some Jimmy Carter baptists like Tool-Ron.
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